Eye catching home page with clear value proposition and call to action

Placementfirst is a new company aimed at helping students find placements at startups across the UK. The founders approached designedbyh after they were unable to get the professional look they wanted from a standard DIY website builder. The brief was to build and design a website which gave off a professional image and was highly effective at attracting top students and employers.
The site includes custom vector icons drawn in Adobe Illustrator (see below) and was built from a custom wordpress theme (view on live site here) by the team at designedbyh.
George, co-founder of Placementfirst said "designedbyh has delivered us an exceptional website, completely surpassing our expectations". If you business needs high quality, professional design and web services at a fraction of the cost then please do get in touch.

Snapshot of the website showing some custom drawn line icons

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